A site about flight simulation - building a 747 cockpit

Parts received on 18.04.2024

A few days ago, I ordered some more items from Opencockpits for my 747 MCP build. The package dropped on my doorstep today and I was eager to check out what I received. I’m very interested in the quality of the 747 MCP panels. Should be good though, as I bought a fine 737 NAV radio panel from them years ago.


Parts received on 26.03.2024

Last week I ordered a few I/O cards from Opencockpits. Two days ago, on march 26, the shipment arrived. In this post I’ll describe the basic I/O cards from Opencockpits and how they work together, as I discover that myself 🙂


PC upgrade to i5-12600

A while ago I looked into upgrading my desktop PC, which I use primarily for flight simming. The old i5-6600 was getting too slow and the mainboard didn’t have much room for expansion. There was only one ‘fast’ SATA connector and it was a very basic board.


Windows equivalent for ‘tail’

Just came across this Windows equivalent for the Unix/Linux tail command:

Get-Content Log.txt –Wait

OEM B727/737 NAV Radio

Past week I’ve been look at some real Boeing hardware. I kind of got inspired by two real B732/733 cockpits on YouTube and I read bits here and there about modifying and gutting real hardware. This afternoon I took the plunge and ordered two radios on eBay!